Alphie hid under the bed for 3 days straight and had to be coaxed to eat baby food for a week before he'd try anything else... But once he started eating regular cat food, it was like we had a whole different animal in our apartment. He began to talk. A lot. And shed. A lot. Where did our kitty go, and why is this little lion so playful?
Lessons learned...
Maine Coon mixes:

- Shed like there's no tomorrow.
- Anxiously await your arrival home, then yell at you for being 3 minutes late.
- Could host their own talk show. Topics to include: why your wardrobe is sooo bad ("I sleep in your closet all day because it's so dark. Add some color, woman!").
- Think the backyard birds look tasty.
- Follow you around like a shadow, but get upset when you step on them by accident.
- Use their paws like hands. Good Patty Cake partners.
- Wake you up via licking and head-butting at 5AM. and 6AM. and 6:13AM. and 6:29AM...
- Bestow presents of large clumps of fur when happy, excited, anxious, and scared.
- Enjoy wheat thins, brie, sweet potatoes, vanilla Tofutti and any green plants except special kitty grass.
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