The trip up towards Eureka was incredible. We drove the Avenue of the Giants and hugged lots of Redwoods. The first night, we stayed in Ferndale, where the movie
The Majestic was filmed. There, we went to the local county fair and saw lots of livestock look bored, little women comparing their oddly shaped items from the weaving/knitting contests, as well as the "Canonball Lady" take 3 seconds to go up in the area and land in a big net. Muy exciting. The second night, we stayed in a cottage (the boathouse) at this little B&B called the Coast Guard House Historic Inn in Point Arena. The coolest thing about this cottage was that it had a jacuzzi tub in the living area. But you don't care about that, you want something jolly, humorous, facetious, or finger-pointing obnoxious. I didn't take any photos of the national guard recruiting center at the fair or the large selection of children's fake artillery for sale. So how about some signage?

This sign almost ruined the trip for me. I really wanted to forge the river and play the live-action version of Oregon Trail. Just no typhoid or other deadly diseases, please.
How do I harass a goat? "Kid, yo momma so fat, when she gets on the scale, it says "To be continued..."
In Willitts, the town of maybe 1,000? We need a drive-through coffee stand more than they do.

Somewhere, Mulder and Scully are trying to figure out what garden nomes have to do with Bigfoot. (credit to Willits)
Does the ! seem misplaced to you? Blame this sign on Willits, too.
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