
oops, don't do it again

britney’s brought a baby boy into this world. now, if the father wasn’t kevin federline, I’d probably be ok with it. unless the father was michael jackson. that would be worse. slightly. But another federline spawn? it seems unjust and cruel to the child. sure, he has a used-to-be hot momma, but dad’s got that trailer trash look going, and um. that’s it. let’s hope brit and kev quit while they're ahead. or that madge esther knocks some sense into her, and she realizes that he’s using her for her money and instead she donates all her cash to kabbalah (wait, is that better?). or when he doesn’t shower for 3 months, she acknowledges that the smell isn’t coming from the evil tiny dogs in her purse and runs. or maybe kev will go sterile. or the kid turns out to be mensa and shows brit, through a 120 page thesis with accompany powerpoint, what a bad choice she made in husbands. yeah, right. we’re all doomed.

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