
i sink i can

our kitchen sink backed up this past weekend. it's a common occurrence in our building. most, if not all of the pipes, haven't been replaced since the building was built (1920s?), so every 6 months or so, a pipe backs up and then that sink/tub/whatever becomes unusable until fixed (and because of the old pipeage, we can't use liquid plumber or anything new and revolutionary. grrr.). our landlord likes to try and fix everything himself, but more often than not, he has to then call in a plumber because he made the situation worse. when our bathroom sink stopped up two months ago, he spent a day himself trying to fix it (which didn't work) and then seemed to think that the reason the sink clogged was mainly due to me "washing my hair" in it. um. no. i, like most people, use the shower. our cat insists on using his tongue as a faucet, but he's a cat and not a person, so he doesn't count. plus, when his pipes get clogged, he produces a nice yet soggy hairball. no snake or plumber required. our bathroom sink also has two faucets which would require me to move my hair back and forth repeatedly in a headbanging motion while trying to avoid burning my scalp w/the scalding hot water coming out of the faucet labeled "H." seems fruitless if you ask me. same thing happened last night. "i found lots of hair. you shouldn't wash your hair in the kitchen sink." um. ok. now i'll have to shower like all the clean people. or use my tongue like alphie. ew.

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