
break out that speedo

yesterday, in my tickets.com envelope, i got a little postcard/flyer for endless pools. for an undisclosed sum, i could buy an 8'x15' personal pool for my house/apartment/cloud city/hovel. i'm sure my landlord would like that. our sink is practically a pool since it refuses to drain, and every now and then there's a strange leak in the stairwell from the skylight. a pool would just cancel all of those out! but this whole swimming-against-the-current thing (nevermind swimming in general) sounds a little strange, plus it looks a little uncomfortable. but having a pool would give me an excuse to buy lawn furniture; big, fuzzy towels; margarita mix; a 3 meter springboard; and a palm tree or two. or i could just use the pool at the koret with my soon-to-be-newly purchased gym membership. like that will ever happen.

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