that's no moon. that's a space station.if you can place the quote, you get a non-material prize!
someday soon, i'm going to have to take the plunge. no, not THAT plunge. the one where i give in to society and purchase an mp3 player. next month, i'm going to join a gym that doesn't supply mini-tv monitors/cd players for all cardio equipment users. this spiffy invention kept me motivated; for example, if i went at lunch, i couldn't finished ellipitacalling until i found out who kidnapped natalie on one life to live, and if it was early in the AM, i wanted to check the weather to make sure i packed the appropriate clothes. if i didn't, well, at least i knew somewhat in advance that i was screwed. but now, all i'll have to keep me moving is a magazine, and the view of sweaty coeds- not my style.
so how to determine what the best mp3 player for me is? after much thinking, researching, and twiddling my thumbs, i realized that i have two options.
- purchase an mp3 player with a hard drive, ability to play multiple music formats, choose what song i listen to when, and has an fm tuner. color choice would be nice too, especially if it's blue, purple, or pink. extra options such as cappucino maker, toaster, maid service, traffic prediction, and furry dice would be optional but handy. cost to self: $160 plus voluntary 2-yr circuit city/best buy/good guys/whatever insurance.
- just pick a cheap one, as in 5-8 months, everyone will come out with a better one, and my little bundle of joy will cease to exist. instead, i'll have a rectangular piece of metal crap that sings every now and then, but will be obsolete pretty much even before i buy it. cost to self: $100.
sure, my breakdowns aren't objective, but i think my choice is clear. i need to chose the path of least resistance. now which one is it?
Have you heard about this new MP3 player? It called the FU.
I think you should get the Apple Nano.
It is cool! That's the one I want.
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