this weekend, i went to yoga with susie and daniel. a funny thing happened though, on the way to the forum. no, really a semi-not-so-funny thing happened as i was getting ready for yoga. i couldn’t find any clean yoga pants. todd and i had been putting off doing laundry for weeks, and you would too if you had to drag your dirty clothes down 4 flights of stairs, 2 blocks of sparsely tree-lined streets, and then back again. i love fresh, warm clothes, but i’m not doing 3 loads all by myself, especially when i have only contributed to approximately 1 of those loads.
but this all came back to bite me in the butt when saturday morning, i discovered that all i had to wear to class was a pair of loose fitting grey pants and a club monaco tank that grows over time (the soft cotton feel is great, but with lots of movement the hem was to my mid-thigh by the end of class). the pants seemed fine for the gym- in fact, they breathe really well, which proves useful on the elliptical when i’m surrounded by a whole bunch of sweaty people- but what i had never really tested was their ability to stay attached to my waist and in this case, one of my only pairs of clean underpants which just happened to be semi-granny underpants or at least not cute feminine ones (unless I was 85 years old and a mormon), upside down or in contorted positions.
i want you all to know that i now recognized my mistake, and i vow to regularly do laundry from this day forward. oh, and i apologize to anyone in my yoga class who had to stare at my tumbling pants and sad-ass undies through downward facing dog, warrior II, and handstands. now chant om three times and pass me the detergent.
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