
MUNI returns

now that i'm working downtown, i'm back to taking the bus. at first i was all "oh boo hiss, i have to take the bus." actually, it started out as two buses, but then i started walking the 2nd leg. the more i rode MUNI, the more i realized i had missed it- seeing people, real people! not just hobos in the panhandle or the lady who continuously called me a white bleached-out crackhead on my way home or gangly, angsty teenagers giggling on their cell phones. it's not just me going to work and me walking home. it's us going to work and us (at least some of us) making a difference and us heading home for the day. in fact, i'd say the bus is a community builder, a way of all gathering together in some form of solidarity, saying we will not drive separately to work, but we'll be herded like cattle (not the grass-fed kind) to and fro, and while some riders may not shower quite as often as the rest of us, it gives my tummy a nice warm feeling inside, like when you sip hot cocoa by a roaring fire. now if only i would go to work in sweats and a hoodie.

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