
seattle, part 1

i'm just outside of seattle at a nintendo branding event*. the whirlwind 42 hours of crazy fun kicked off last night with a cocktail reception. at it, women kept asking me what i twittered about, and i had to keep explaining that, no, i don't twitter. i just wait in line with twitterers (what do you call those who work at twitter?) at whole foods. pretty much everyone here originated as bloggers, and most still write (more than 140 characters) on a regular basis, which made me feel relieved bordering on utterly thankful that i've kept this up (even with my recent writing droughts).

as i made my rounds of the room, though, i felt somewhat nationless. to the mommy bloggers, i had to admit that no, i don't have kids yet. to the 20-something single bloggers (yes, that's how they introduced themselves), i have a signifiant other and my wedding dress is (still) at the dry cleaners, waiting patiently in line to get refreshed and fluffed and placed into a special archival box. finally, somewhere in the last half hour of the mixer, i found a few 30-something coupled women who were not yet head-to-toe in playdates and soccer games nor were they reminiscing with their five blogger best buddies over late afternoon champagne-induced posts of failed craftdom.

all the women seem incredibly nice, though, and i'm curious to see what today has in store. rumor has it, we'll get to see the nintendo 3ds up close and personal. whee!

*all travel and accomodations paid for by brand about town.

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